8 Module Evaluation

A centrally devised module evaluation has been added to the Moodle sites of all modules.

Activating the module evaluation

The ‘Module evaluation’ is a hidden activity (light blue link) in the top area of the course, just below other resources there. If you do not see this activity please contact moodle@brookes.ac.uk (Meta-site users: please see information at the bottom of this page).

Activate the link to the questionnaire by opening the 'Edit' menu next to the module evaluation, and clicking on the ‘Show’ (eye) icon. (You can always de-activate the link by using the same icon.)

image of editing / releasing the module evaluation

To set release dates:

  • click on 'Edit settings'

  • open the ‘Availability’ section by clicking on the little arrow in front of it

  • click the check boxes

  • set the date and time to open and close the evaluation

image showing how to set the availability of the evaluation

Monitoring responses

The ‘analysis’ and ‘show responses’ tabs, reached by clicking on the ‘module evaluation’ activity link, enable you to monitor responses (but not which students have responded). If you discover a low response rate, encourage students to complete the evaluation.

If you have questions or require support, please contact your Faculty DMeLD.

Data protection

Staff are reminded to comply with the University's Data Protection Policy when processing student data. Please see: http://obis.brookes.ac.uk/Info%20Compliance/dataprotection.pdf

For further guidance please download the attached document 'Moodle module evaluation guidance December 2012'.

If you use meta sites please read on at 'Module Evaluation on Meta-Sites'