Moodle Group Manager

Go to 'Settings' - 'Course Administration' - 'Users' - 'Groups':

creating groups

Create group

Manually create separate groups, add students individually

Auto-create groups

Creates a specified number of groups/members per group. You can add members via random selection or individually.

Adding group members manually:

Click on the group, then on

Add/remove users

See images below for 'how to add users to a group'

If you select a group member who is already in another group you can see this in a column on the left (new in Moodle 2.8)

adding members to a group
users already in another group

Using 'Grouping' for Seminar Discussion Boards

1. Set up seminar groups by adding students manually

2. Then add all seminar groups into one grouping = AllSeminar (example)

Set up for discussion is:

Group mode: separate groups

Grouping: AllSeminar