Moodle Assignment - Marking Workflow

'Marking Workflow' in a Moodle Assignment can be used to control the release of grades and feedback to students.

The example below describes the settings for a case where all students get their grades and feedback at the same time. The relevant settings are in the Notifications and Grade section:

Set the Default setting for “Notify students” to No.

marking workflow step 1

Set Use marking workflow to Yes.

marking workflow step 2

When you mark a student you may want to change Marking workflow state to Marking completed from Not marked.

marking workflow step 3

Click Save changes/Save and show next.

marking workflow step 4

When you wish to release Grades/Feedback to the students select all students on the course by ticking the Select box at the top left. Change With selected… to Set marking workflow state in the dropdown list. Then click Go.

marking workflow step 5

You may need to set Assignments per page to All if you haven’t done so before selecting all. If you set Marking workflow state to Marking completed as you mark you can set Workflow filter to Marking completed so that only those completed ones will be released.

marking workflow step 6

Click OK to confirm to set marking workflow state.

marking workflow step 7

Change Marking workflow state to Released. Set Notify students to Yes if you wish the students to receive a notification email.

marking workflow step 8

Click Save changes.