Moodle Book & Table editing

The Book module is for creating multi-page resources with a book-like format.

  • The book module allows you to have main chapters (= pages) and sub chapters (= sub pages).

  • You can link to forums and external web pages etc. from within a book.

  • Flash movies and other multimedia can be included in a book.

  • Books can be printed entirely or by chapter.

How-to set up and edit a Moodle Book

  1. Turn on editing.

  2. Choose the book resource from the drop-down menu.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on 'Save and display'.

Note: Since a recent Moodle upgrade the description now shows at the top of each page within a book. You might, therefore, prefer to leave it empty. If your book requires a description, you can put it in a 'label' above the book.

image of moodle book setup

On the following page, you can edit your first chapter (= page):

image of book page

4. Add a title, and either copy and paste or type the content of your first page into the 'Content' box.

When finished, save at the bottom.

5. Add more chapters (or sub chapters) in the same way by clicking on the plus sign:

book editing icons
  • To edit a page, use the pencil icon.

  • To reposition a page use the arrows.

  • To delete a page use the red cross.

  • To hide a page close the eye.

6. Continue to add chapters (i.e. pages) in the same way.

7. Table editing in pages can be a bit more challenging:

Delete entire tables: highlight the complete table and press delete. Rows or cell can be manipulated via right-clicking on the table, and then selecting an option depending on what you want to manipulate: cells, rows and columns. You can insert, delete or merge as you need to. Please see below for an illustration.

image of table editing

Changing the size of tables so that they fit into the Moodle window: In table properties, change the width to 100%. This means the table will adjust in width to the browser size.

When copying tables from MS Word into the Moodle HTML Editor the borders within the table often don't show. If you wish to make them visible please consult the advice using the following link:

Web pages previously created with Wimba Create can be imported directly into the Book module. This can be done using the import function, and if that’s not available using simple copy and paste.

Please note: you can also import html pages into a book:

  • Create a book.

  • Access the book.

  • Put the html pages you want to import into a zip file.

  • Under 'Settings', click on 'Import from HTML'.

  • Upload your zip file with html pages.

  • Follow instructions on screen.

For questions, please contact your DMeLDs: