Invite external user

In the Administration block, click on 'Invite users':

Moodle admin block

On the next screen, type in your own email (=approver's email) in the first box, and the email(s) of invitees in the second box (if you want to invite several users, please hit Enter after typing each email address, and type the new email address on a new line)

Moodle invitation screen

New option added (Feb 2018) after 'Approver's email' to shorten the invitation process

(Please ignore this section and use the default setting in case you are happy with the process as is. Move on to 'Description of the process'. If you want to use the new option please read the info below carefully to understand the implications.)

screenshot of drop-down menu with options for invitation
  • If you leave it set to the default "0" in the menu then nothing changes from the current system (see the description of the process below), invited users will still need to be confirmed by the module leader.

  • If you select one of the numbers from 1 to 4 the user can access the module immediately after having filled in her/his details into the enrolment details form. The access will be valid for one year, which is our current default.

  • The number you choose determines how long the auto-enrolment link will remain active for the invitee, i.e. 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks.


If you choose one of the options for auto-enrolment, the invitee will still receive an email saying she/he will need to wait for confirmation, and the person who sent the invitation will still receive the ‘confirm request’ email. The Moodle team is aware of this problem, unfortunately, it is currently NOT possible to change this. The advice is to make small changes to the invitation message (“Text of the email” box) before sending it out, along the lines of:

“PLEASE NOTE: you will be enrolled automatically, please ignore any e-mails referring to Course Enrolment or Account Confirmation."

Please make sure to leave the following line in the “Text of the email” box intact:

[~link - do not edit or delete this line~]

Description of the process

The user(s) you have invited will receive an email with a link, which takes her/him to the registration form, see screen image below. Sometimes your invitees will need a reminder that they have to use the same email address which was used in the invitation:

Moodle registration form

Once the user has filled in the form you will receive an email allowing you to confirm this user, including the duration of access:

external registration confirmation

Once you clicked on the 'Action' link, you will receive a final confirmation:

Moodle confirmation

Please note: the invitation adds the user by default in student role. If you want the new user to have a different role, you will have to change this in the 'Users' section of moodle by re-assigning the new role, and removing the student role.