Change formatting

When copying content into Moodle activities it can happen that the formatting of your text does not quite look as it should. There are different options to avoid this.

Option 1

Before copying text into the moodle activity, for example a Moodle page or Moodle book, copy it into 'Notepad', which is a simple editor you will find on every Windows PC by typing 'notepad' in the programmes search box (bottom left corner of the screen, see below). This will remove the formatting from Word, which sometimes is invisible. Then copy it again, and paste it into the Moodle page.

image on how to find notepad by typing it in the programme search box

Option 2

Use the HTML editor, which is part of the editing choices in Moodle. This is suitable for example for a quiz, where only a few options appear wrongly formatted:

In editing mode, first open find the icon for the HTML editor to switch the view:

image of editor icons, highlighting 'toggle' and 'html' editor

Delete all the coding around the bit of text, and delete it:

editing in Moodle - using the  html editor