Module Evaluation on Meta-Sites

Below is a short summary of what to do on meta sites. In case you require support with this, please contact your DMeLDs using

How to deal with module evaluations in meta-linked moodle courses (used for example for U and P modules which have shared content)

Please note: the following advice is NOT relevant when linking different runs of the same module! In this case all students who have access can use the same module evalution.

If you want to provide different cohorts with shared content and thus use the same moodle section for joint provision (for example, use the U module also for your P students), please do NOT add the students of one of the cohorts manually, even if there are only a few students. For example, if you enrol P students manually they can access and do the U module evaluation, and there will be no way of differentiating between the two cohorts for the upload to APTT.

Instead, decide which course to use for the joint provision, and ask the DMeLDs to create a meta-link to the other course. Then you have to make sure to get separate evaluation results for the different cohorts to be uploaded to APTT. This is how it works:

When you release the module evaluation on the U module which is used for a joint provision for your U and P students, you can add a link for the P students to the module evaluation in the P module. In this case, you will have to release the P module, i.e. set it to ‘Visible’ in the Settings for the module. You do not need to inform anyone about this, but you can ask the DMeLDs for support with this. Instructions on how to create the link:

If you use a meta-site you will have to create links to module evaluations on the sites the meta-site is linked to.

For example on the meta-site for U40132/U40174 you will find the link to the evaluation for U40132.

The link for the evalution in U40174 needs to be added via 'Add a resource' - URL. You can retrieve the URL (= web address) for the module evaluation by right-clicking on it and then clicking on 'Copy link address'.

This also requires to make the module module evaluation AND the module site visible to students if this is not the case already.*

Please specify dates for opening and closing the evaluation in the 'Availability' section. You will be required to put some text in the description box.

*(In case this hasn't been done already you might want to put a message under the header of this site, stating that it's not being used, and refer students to the meta-site.)

Retrieve URL via 'right-clicking' on module evaluation link:

image of 'right-click' and copy linka address
image of resources list in 'add activity'

Once you have copied the link address go to your meta-site, and add the link via 'add a resource' - 'URL'. Paste the link into the URL box (don't forget to specify the Display option: New window):

image of URL box

Do not change the name for the Module evaluation in your modules. Otherwise, the responses will not be uploaded to APTT. Only put the other module name in the link to that module evaluation as shown below.

The above picture is taken from U42508/P49408.