Big 5 Platform Trends for 2021

Tech companies have become the most valuable in the world. That comes at a cost.

As digitization spread like wildfires in the pandemic, GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft) grew to unprecedented levels.

As organic growth opportunities slowly disappear, these companies begin two very different types of battles: among themselves, for customer ownership and supremacy (i.e., Apple vs Facebook on Privacy) or against regulators, who seek to understand their practices to protect innovation and fair competition in the digital markets.

As of beginning of 2021, the European Union has decided to start regulating big tech (Digital Services Act and Digital Platforms Act) while in the United States, 5 lawsuits (which will converge into at least 3) have summoned public and industry-wide expectation and interest.

2021 will be the year of big tech versus the world ...

5 Platform Trends 2021.pdf