Respiratory System

Health Education - Oak Grove Elementary - DeKalb County School District

Respiratory System

What is the Respiratory System?

  • The respiratory system helps you breathe. This system keeps you alive by breathing the air around you. It brings fresh air into the body. The respiratory system also breathes out air that has been used.

Parts of the Respiratory System

  • Your diaphragm is a muscle you use to breathe. It's under your lungs. Your lungs are two spongy organs. They are full of tiny tubes. Air sacs called alveoli cover the ends of the tubes.

How Does the Respiratory System Work?

  • When you inhale air goes into your lungs. The lungs take oxygen out of the air. The oxygen enters your blood. It travels throughout your body. When you exhale you get rid of carbon dioxide.

Working Together

  • Your brain, muscles, and all your body parts need oxygen to work well. Your respiratory system works with your circulatory system. Together they take oxygen to every part of your body.

Did You Know?

  • When your diaphragm jerks suddenly and sucks air into your lungs, you get hiccups. It may happen when you drink a bubbly drink, laugh a lot, or eat too quickly. Nobody really knows why it happens.

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