Planning Meals

Health Education - Oak Grove Elementary - DeKalb County School District

Planning Meals

Planning A Meal

  • Healthy meals include the five food groups. You need fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy every day. Try to eat a balanced amount of these foods. It can be fun to plan a healthy meal.

Start With Fruits & Vegetables

  • Fill half your plate with fruits and

vegetables. Make your meal colorful.

Pick red beets and green grapes.

Choose blueberries or an orange.

Try yellow squash or carrots.

Fruits and vegetables have

fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Pick A Protein

  • Choose a protein for your meal.

Pick chicken or turkey. Have eggs

or beans. Many protein foods have

fats in them. Fish, peanut butter,

and nuts have healthy fats.

Meat and dairy have fats too.

Add Grains

  • Add grains to your meal.

Whole grains are best.

They are high in fiber.

Refined grains are not.

Choose whole grains more

often. Try brown rice.

Have whole wheat pasta

or bread.

Choose A Drink

  • Your meal is almost ready.

But what will you drink?

You can have milk.

Water is a good drink too.

You planned a healthy meal.

Good job!

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