
Health Education - Oak Grove Elementary - DeKalb County School District


What Is Fiber?

  • Fiber is a nutrient found in plant foods. The human body cannot break down fiber. Fiber helps push the food along during digestion. Eating foods with fiber at each meal also helps you feel full.

Foods With Fiber

  • Foods with fiber are good for you.

They have vitamins and minerals.

Grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and

seeds have fiber. Dried beans and

peas have lots of fiber as well.


  • There are two kinds of grains.

Whole grains are high in fiber.

They have all parts of the grain

seed. Oatmeal is a whole grain.

Refined grains have only part

of the seed. They have less fiber.

White bread is a refined grain.

Fruits & Vegetables

  • Whole fruits and vegetables

have fiber. Some fiber is found

in the flesh. The skin of fruit has

fiber too. Dark-colored vegetables

often have lots of fiber.

How Much Fiber Should You Eat?

  • Kids need fiber every day.

Eat three fruits and three

vegetables daily. Choose

whole grains when you can.

Foods with fiber help keep

you healthy.

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