
Health Education - Oak Grove Elementary - DeKalb County School District


What Is Fruit?

  • Fruit is a sweet treat that is good for you. Fruit tastes sweet because it has natural sugar. The sugar is called fructose. It gives your body energy. You need energy to play, think, and grow.

Fruit Contains Water

  • Fruit is juicy because it

contains water. Oranges,

kiwi, and melons are juicy.

Eating fruit and drinking

juice gives your body water.

Water helps keep you healthy.

Vitamins & Minerals

  • Vitamin C is in fruit. It helps

you grow and heal. It keeps

your skin and gums healthy.

Potassium is a mineral in some

fruits. It helps your muscles

to move. Potassium helps your

heart pump too.


  • Drinking juice is okay, but eating

fruit is better. Whole fruits have fiber.

Fiber is found only in plant foods.

Eating foods with fiber helps you

feel full. Your body needs fiber for

good digestion.

How Much Fruit Should You Eat?

  • Kids need three servings of fruit

per day. One orange or half

a banana is one serving.

Put berries on your cereal.

Snack on grapes. Dip apple slices

in peanut butter. It is fun to eat

different kinds of fruits.

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