University of the Future


This is a page mostly for me, a place to collect and curate all the disparate ideas and inspirations for how to think about education in general, management education a bit more specifically, and entrepreneurship education quite specifically.

Why oh why oh why do universities think they should only focus on four years of a person's life?

Why oh why do universities (and the institutions that isomorph them) think greater selectivity (higher reject rates of applicants) is a strong signal of quality?

We are at an inflection point in history for a great number of phenomena, most interestingly for me is the inflection point that the 150-year-old model of university education is experiencing, whether universities like it or not.

Are you a farmer who needs the summer off to help out the family? I didn't think so.

Michael Crow Totally Gets It

Dr Michael Crow, President of Arizona State University, delivers his address on ASU's model that regards inclusion rather than exclusion as a measure of success. He is speaking at the PLuS Alliance symposium on "Innovation and Technology in 21st century Healthcare and Higher Education" at UNSW Australia in July 2016. The PLuS Alliance (London Sydney Phoenix) is an international collaboration between Arizona State University, King's College London, and UNSW Australia, to provide, create, enable and deploy innovative research and education linkages across three globally-focused universities. The PLuS Alliance works towards a sustainable future by collaborating in the areas of sustainability, global health and well being, technology and innovation, and social justice.