UA Final Grades

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UA Grade Policy

All course assignments are due to me on the last day of scheduled classes, whether it's online or in-person. The only reason to hold open any assignment for grading is to account for any final exams that are offered after classes end; final exam days are NOT extra days to turn in late work. Faculty usually must submit final grades by the Tuesday following commencement weekend. Any student for whom a grade is not submitted by this deadline automatically receives a placeholder grade of "N", which calculates as an "F" grade in a student's GPA. This means you could conceivably have participated in commencement ceremonies with your family and friends and then could have a "virtual F" for a course any of your instructors have not submitted grades. Instructors would then have to submit grade change requests through myBama for each and every student assigned the "N" grade, without exception. Instructors don't want to miss the deadline for submitting grades.

Instructors are required to select one of the following reasons when a failing grade of “F” (or “NC”) is assigned: Earned, Never Attended, or Stopped Attending. Failing grades assigned due to "Stopped Attending" will also require the submission of a Last Attendance Date.

For additional information on non-attendance grading as well as other grading policies, definitions, and terminology, please visit the University's Grade Reporting page.

See also: UA Academic Calendar