How to come up with ideas for a new venture

"I can think of several heuristics for generating ideas for startups, but most reduce to this: look at something people are trying to do, and figure out how to do it in a way that doesn't suck."


In this assignment you will learn how to come up with ideas for a new venture and how to evaluate them. If you are completing this assignment for extra credit you will receive 5 bonus points toward your final grade; otherwise, completion of this assignment will result in the award of points prescribed in the syllabus.


Read and/or view the following resources:

Then articulate your idea

Come up with an idea for a new product or service. State why you think it's an attractive opportunity for you and has both of the attributes of timeliness and durability. Describe the problem you are solving and the value proposition you're proposing to solve it.

Open this google doc, make it your own, name it <MY IDEA/> and email to or share with me at