Map Activity 2020-2024

Image source:; yes, this is a map of a hotel that uses a robot to deliver stuff to your room door from the front desk.


The map activity is a crucial step in understanding your user or customer. The version I present here is my modification of the map activity described in Google Ventures' Design Sprint book. The map addresses the Main Characters, Key Steps, and Optimistic Outcomes in your customer/user story. You'll use learnings from your customer persona(s) to start with your customer's needs to map out the journey your customer will undertake to realize your brilliant solution. The assumptions you made about demographics and behaviors are important to the map because they suggest the primary ways your customer might learn about, evaluate, and ultimately buy your solution. You want to be as fluent as you can with the ideas under each category so you have more insights into what your most crucial assumptions are. You will want to test those assumptions early so you don't waste resources building something nobody wants or wasting the wrong people's time. 

What else? Your map should grow as you consider adding different customer personas (i.e., different types of people who might want your value proposition) and different ways your customers might find out about, evaluate, and buy your product. A side benefit from doing this is that you might be able to incorporate the discovery or delivery method into your value proposition. 

Learning Objectives

Upon completing this module you should know how to:




How to start a map activity

Sprint Monday with Jake and John


Assessment - Graded Activity

You will create a map in class with your new venture team.


Win, J. 2017. 2-Hour Sprint for Busy Stakeholders., 6/4/2017. Accessed August 24, 2020.

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