New Venture Finance Fall 2019

Image Source: University of Arizona Libraries

when and where

  • 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays, August 22 - December 6
  • Bidgood 140

assignments and point totals

Available as a google doc

Grading criteria for assignments (google sheet)

Dates for these assignments appear below as I become more certain of what we can cover and how fast we can move


August 27, 29

August 27: CFO/VC/Angel Networking Lunch at Presidential Plaza. We will hold lecture at Presidential Plaza at 11:00. You must bring your ACT Card for admission to "class" on this day. You will meet fellow students and find out what they want out of a new venture finance course while eating FREE cook-out food. More details to follow...

See THIS Invitation from Culverhouse College News:

September 3, 5

More Friends and Family Financing

I emailed Quiz 1 at 1:35 pm, Thursday. If you did not get a quiz, contact me at

September 10, 12 - No quiz this week

Read: Here's who has gone public in 2019 (so far) (, 8/22/19). Or really, "scan" this article to see (1) what industries these companies tend to be in, (2) what has happened to the companies' valuations since they went public, (3) if there are any really big losers this year (pssstt... their names rhyme with doober and grift), and (4) any other patterns you can discern from the IPOs.

Meanwhile, what's up with WeWork's IPO? Here's their S-1 filing. Check out these vertical analyses of their income statement and balance sheets and see graphic below.

We may also discuss the S-1 filing of Super League Gaming, which went public February 26. You should read the prospectus summary for a well-done overview of the esports industry. (SLGG on the NASDAQ market; CA show them financials)

September 10: We'll discuss Autoshop and begin this graded activity. See these notes on validation.

By the numbers:

  1. Hand-outs for Autoshop hypothesis testing
  2. Show Autoshop video
  3. Explain Thursday assignment

September 12 in class: (done in class, 5 points of final grade - in teams, of course). If you cannot be in class on Thursday you will need to complete the Autoshop Build-Up for F&F Needs form below on your own and submit it to by the end of Friday this week. Alternatively, you could Face Time or Skype in with your group; I expect people who do this to be fully engaged with their group for the entirety of the activity...make sure your group members add your name to the document.

Bonus Reading

VC, angel, and crowdfunding of entrepreneurial ventures: a literature review

The image below, "Tackling the right risks first," is a way to think about what risks are "deal killers" and how to add value to your venture by identifying and removing them. In terms of the Autoshop business plan, what assumptions do the team make that are the biggest risks? Without addressing those biggest first through frugal experimentation you'll still have them hanging over your heads and the valuation of your new venture.

Image source: Gilbert, C. G., & Eyring, M. J. (2010). Beating the odds when you launch a new venture. Harvard business review, 88(5), 92-98.
Image source:

Slack is still worth far more as a public company than it was as a private one. But shares have fallen below their initial trading price recently, a development that could be due to competition from Microsoft, a pullback in the SaaS space, or investors' realization that they may have overpaid before. (Source:, 9/11/19)

September 17, 19

Sep 17: Early Stage valuation techniques

Early stage valuation techniques

Sep 19

Autoshop Early-Stage Valuation Techniques doc (we are running this activity in teams on September 19 for five points of your overall grade. If you could not be in class on 9/19, make sure you complete this activity and email it to by 11:59 pm, Friday, September 20.

Autoshop and BBW example

September 24, 26

Hey, man! Can you explain the whole J-curve phenomenon in venture capital funds? Yes. Yes, I can., 9/20/19

And this is just insane: "He was 'struggling not to laugh:' Inside Netflix's crazy, doomed meeting with Blockbuster." Vanity Fair, 9/17/19

September 24: More songs about buildings and early stage valuation techniques

September 26: In-class activity on early stage valuation techniques (Graded, and will be elaborated upon here soon). Make sure you come to class this week! <Update, I'm writing the graded activity now, 10:50, Wednesday/>

Kickstarter o' the day: A Hyper-Efficient Fitness Device | MONKII 360: The science-backed, dynamic resistance trainer that makes you strong and saves you time. See also this "gym in your pocket" also from Monkii. And finally this if you're a Wes Anderson and Waris Ahluwalia fan.

Related from Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures on Founder Control

Early stage valuation techniques

Here is your graded assignment: "Five methods for determining early-stage valuations" on the Proof Eyewear page.

Debrief instructions: Use Proof Eyewear google sheet

Complete Quiz 3 by 11:59 pm, Friday, September 27.

October 1, 3

Pro Formas when you are raising money; intro to cap tables

Pro forma financials for an investor audience (google slides); give me some more examples, you might say. OK. Here is a 229-page document presenting pro formas for a "resort hotel." (I am still reviewing this one to vet its usefulness, so proceed with caution)

October 3: And now I add understanding financial statements and ratios - Financial Analysis Methods with Stitch Fix financial analysis

and Working Capital Management

Complete Quiz 4 by 11:59 pm, Friday, October 4.

October 8, 10

Both days: Pro formas, financial analysis, and working capital management in one bite!

October 10: We'll do an in-class graded assignment dealing with pro forma financials, financial analysis, and working capital management. Update: HERE is your Thursday in-class team assignment (5 points). If you can't be in class on this day, complete the assignment on your own and be sure to submit it before 11:59 pm, Friday, October 11.

Quiz 5 - I sent out Quiz 5 at 4:53 pm.

If you were viewing the working capital slides at 11:25 am Friday, know that Google thinks you're an anonymous blobfish

and...TFW someone plagiarizes your entire slide deck on financial analysis and presents it as his own work on SlidePlayer

October 15, 17

Oct 15 Topic: Cap Tables

Example from Stitch Fix IPO! and Ring Valuations

Here is a reverse-engineered cap table for Stitch Fix; I had to make assumptions about the pre- and post-money values; the IPO values should match up with the aggregated cap table in Stitch's S-1 document. ...and here is the promised "constructed" cap table for Stitch Fix; I had to make assumptions about the pre- and post-money values; the IPO values should match up with the aggregated cap table in Stitch's S-1 document.

October 17: Video lecture (below) Beatbox Cap Table 2019

Complete Quiz 6 by 11:59 pm, Friday, October 18. [I sent it to you around 3:45 Thursday)

October 22, 24

Oct 22: Discuss Final Team Project - see below...

I have been advised that I may need four weeks to complete the first stage of my recovery from surgery. So I'm going to need to spend some time on setting up a culminating project for all of you to work on in teams today.

October 24: No lecture (work in classroom or out of class)

Watch the videos posted below on Search Funds, read these slides on search funds, and consider following the supplemental links posted directly below. Not everyone is great at identifying the next big idea; some people have unique skills that would allow them to thrive in the search fund Entrepreneurship-through-Acquisition model.

Optional but Useful Readings

Is DoorDash really worth $7 billion? (Fall 2019 update: DoorDash is now worth $12.6B based a recent founding round...)

And here is some really useful knowledge from Brad Feld on Raising Capital

Bonus Reading: Fred Wilson ( on Swinging for the Fences, a short article that addresses the need for frameworks for measuring startup accomplishments. Read it!

Quiz 7 emailed to you on Wednesday, October 23.

Search funds slides video with Professor Armstrong narrative (so joyous!)

Discussion: Buying a business with a search fund (GSB, 30:46, for a more detailed discussion of process, potential, pitfalls)

Coley Andrews: What it Takes to be a Search Fund Entrepreneur (7:10)

Final team project - Videos

Origins of Spatial AR and Spatial AR demo shot using Spatial technology

Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry's SixthSense interaction is in my mind one of the best first examples of what we could and can do with augmented reality. This video is from TED2009 and has been viewed at least 11M times in the past ten years.

Bonus content: Stop staring at your phone

Final team project - Templates and Instructions

Note: These are your final team project templates and instructions.

Discuss final team project: Spatial Systems. This is the first part of our final team project. We'll watch a demo of the technology and discuss the four-page information you have. Then you'll form into teams. Teams should be at least two in size and not any larger than four... Send me ONE email from each team listing members to (AND CC YOUR TEAM MEMBERS). You will continue to work as teams from now until the third week of November .

Check out Blue Vision Labs' Crunchbase entry for its Seed Round investment of $14.5M and this article in discussing the company and investment.

Oh yes, and here is the cap table template you've used before.

And here is the Armstrong Spatial Cap Table with Seed and Series A investments

October 29 - November 14

Work on Team Projects

READ: Some comments and observations from today's in-class teamwork:

  • as you work through comparables, step-up method, and risk mitigation pre-money valuation methods, one or two of them might not seem relevant. Remember that at least one of these is really relevant mostly to very early-stage startups. Know which.
  • I expect you to identify on Crunchbase at least one comparable company by name and to justify your approach to comparables using that particular firm(s). Here's an example: if a "comparable" company has, say, achieved Series D financing, you can ballpark an estimate of its pre- and post-money valuations and use google to see what kinds of milestones they've achieved. Decide for yourself if your focal company should be worth less, about the same as, or more than the value of the comparable based on progress.
  • I expect a certain sense of intellectual curiosity out of you. Another way to close out the semester would be to have a closed-book final exam in which you would be expected to know different valuation methods, cap table entries, and pro forma financials. You have everything you need, plus all of your notes, several class-time hours to work together, and the internet to fully explore this project. Please perform accordingly.

Questions for you to consider as you work through the points:

  • at each point where you need to determine a valuation and/or a percentage of ownership ask yourself (a) what is the question being asked that I need to answer? (b) what rules of thumb, if any, apply to this situation and how should I use them? (c) do my numbers seem reasonable based on what I've done in previous valuation and cap table activities in class? (d) finally, do the percentages of ownership at the end of each investment round make sense? Have I satisfied the equity ownership needs for each group on the cap table?
  • Here are the grading criteria for the final team project


Due Diligence from Microventure's Venture Capital Education Center

For Recent IPOs, Valuation-Per-Employee Ranges From $80K To $50M,, 11/9/18. A company’s valuation commonly has little relation to how many people actually work there.

"Conventional wisdom is to raise about every 18 months, which implies that most startups never have more than two years of cash in the bank." - Source: (hence the VC Quick Valuation Method, aka the VC Lazy Valuation Method...)

and also: How much runway should you target between financing rounds?, 10/26/17 "

According to CBInsights, running out of cash is the second leading cause of startup failure. Needless to say—it’s an important question to get right. If an entrepreneur tries to answer this question by triangulating from Google results, they’ll find a few sources that tell them the conventional wisdom is anywhere between 12-to-18 months."

Join this course on

October 29, 31

October 29: No lecture (work in classroom or out of class)

No Quiz either. Just... (and keep scrolling down for specific instructions for weeks in November)

October 31 - November 3, Fall Break

November 5, 7

No lectures this week; I want you guys to work in class on a final class project during lecture time. View the adjacent YouTube for a bit more detail.

One of the rules of thumb for how much you should raise is the "investment amount must be less than half the pre$ valuation." Play with this spreadsheet to look at the consequences of ignoring this rule.

Scroll down (a bit) to see current team rosters and set up your own teams. You have done so. Thank you!!!

<placeholder for short video on Nov 7/>

Complete Quiz 8 by end of November 8. I emailed Quiz 8 around 3:30 this afternoon (11/7).

Here are the rosters for final project teams I have so team name means you aren't yet on a team.

Google sheet link
MGT 481 Fall 2019 Final Team Project Rosters

News you can use

Midwest esports company raises $1.4 million seed round. PR Newswire on Yahoo! Finance, 11/5/2019. " eFuse, a web and mobile application that serves as the professional hub for esports and video games, announced a $1.4 million seed round in preparation for the platform's launch on December 10, 2019. As one of the fastest growing forms of entertainment across the globe, esports draw international competitors to tournaments with prize pools of up to $30 million and hundreds of millions of spectators. "

November 12, 14

No lectures this week; I want you guys to work in class on your final class project during lecture time. You are responsible for viewing and being familiar with the content I'm posting here on term sheets and cap tables. These topics will be the basis of Quiz 9.

Slides: Term Sheets

Complete Quiz 9 by 11:59 pm, November 15, NOT, November 16, 17, 18...

Constructing Beatbox 01 (cap tables to show term sheet impacts) (4:14): Video 1 shows you how to set up and understand the relationship on numbers in the cap table. For example, the PRE-money valuation divided by the number of shares previously issued sets the share price for a current round of financing.

Cap Tables Beatbox 02 (4:15) shows you what happens when you have an investor who holds pro rata rights to invest in future rounds of financing in order to keep from being diluted. Here Mark Cuban (solely for illustrative purposes) negotiated pro rata rights when he made his $1M seed investment on Shark Tank. As you'll see, this agreement adds to the amount of capital invested in Series A and raises the POST-money valuation, but also causes the number of shares ISSUED (founders and investors) and/or PROMISED (option pool) to approach the maximum authorized in the company's charter.

November 19, 21 - Global Entrepreneurship Week

Riverpitch is November 19; I will award extra credit to those of you who participate in it.

Here is the "Live" Q&A document we created between 11:00 and noon today for your final team projects

Quiz 10

November 26

December 3, 5

Finish team projects, present on December 3. No lecture on December 5.


Roundup of 2017 VC Predictions and Tech Industry Reports - (1/12/2017)

From Private to Public: How to read an S-1 Document (


Global Entrepreneurship Institute - What Financials Do We Need For Investors?

How Investors Evaluate New Deals: Important Criteria And Template For Investment Memos - (6/2/2017)

Tomasz Tunguz - The 10 Most Important Metrics In A Startup’s Financial Statements (12/13/2016)

The Four Main Things Investors Look for in a Startup - 2x entrepreneur and venture capital investor Mark Suster covers the "four Ms" of criteria for startups

Money-Zine - Building an Income Statement (6/21/22017)

Money-Zine - Analyzing Income Statements (6/21/22017)

Accounting Coach - Introduction to Cash Flow Statement

Forbes - Mastering the Balance Sheet Can Make or Break A Startup (3/27/2014)

Preparing A Balance Sheet --

Preparing a Balance Sheet - This is an "Interactive Workshop"

How to develop a balance sheet -, Michael Pratt video with transcript; an exceptionally plain-spoken explanation of balance sheets


Tools from Small Business Administration Course: How to Write a Business Plan


Tech Republic - Startup and Venture Capital Terms You Should Know (2/10/2014)


Entrepreneur - How to Choose the Best Legal Structure for Your Startup a basic overview of the pros and cons of the four most popular types of legal forms for business

Choosing the Best Business Entity for Your Startup - Early growth Financial Services


Checklist - How to Write a Business Plan - (six-page interactive PDF checklist; useful if you don't want to miss any "boxes" as you write your plan)


Guide to Venture Capital - Madison Park Group


Seedcamp - How Does an Early-stage Investor View Early-stage Companies includes discussion of circumstances where an early-stage investor will pay a premium to invest

Quora - What Metrics Do VCs Look for in Early-stage Companies?


Amendment to Fitbit IPO - November 9, 2015 (

Amendment to Fitbit IPO - June 16, 2015 (


Michael Pratt: Why you should start with the business plan, 2015

A VC Reveals the Metrics They Use to Evaluate Startups — The Startup Tapes #031 (Focus on Scale Ventures)

<insert Susan Liu on startup metrics/>