

Not so much an overview of the role of storytelling in new venture development (that will come soon, though). Right now I'm treating this as a resource page for storytelling stories in the context of pitching and new venture development.

WHY TEll stories?

Imagine that you have been asked to make a presentation on the virtues of Microsoft's Dot Net platform versus Java and other open source tools. How would you engage your audience? What would you want them to remember about your presentation. This video on THAT topic provides a storytelling perspective that is hard to forget (in a good way).

"Great companies are built on great stories."

  • Reid Hoffman


Linked page includes full transcript

You need a great story to build a great company. And great stories are unwaveringly TRUE. No one embodies this principle more fully than Scott Harrison, founder of Charity: Water. A master storyteller, Scott built his nonprofit on 3 radical principles: (1) 100% of donations would go to water projects (not overhead) (2) Progress reports would be utterly transparent, sharing victories, defeats and even GPS coordinates of water wells (3) The brand’s storytelling would lead with hope instead of guilt, inspiring joyful participation without sacrificing honesty.


Scott Harrison of Charity: Water - Image source:

Slides: The art of storytelling (and why you should master this skill) early-stage deck that debunks storytelling naysayers and lists the benefits of a good story. Why We Should Master the Art of Storytelling: How to Be “Successful” & “Relevant” in a Digital Age

"Telling a story also allows a business to receive important feedback on what they are doing and how they are received. This kind of feedback is crucial, both in adjusting the technology and revising the story about what it is that the business is about. A business can develop — possibly in unexpected ways — as a result of this kind of process."

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