Cap Tables


Learning Objectives

Upon completing this module you should be able to:


Cap Tables

2023/24 Armstrong Slides on Cap Tables

These are our main slides for in-class lecture.

Armstrong 10-27-20 Lecture on Cap Tables

I discuss the uses for cap tables and demonstrate how one is constructed using a google sheet (37:00). I also discuss the progression of your company's shares through investment banks into syndicates of buyers of your shares when you do an IPO. Then I serve as celebrity judge for the Tuscaloosa Dog Show.

Making Sense of GovWorks cap table and valuation

Making Sense of GovWorks Cap Table and Valuation

I created this deck after our 11:00 session on October 29; this is not narrated. The video I'm sharing later of our session will incorporate these slides all with audio.

Placeholder for 10/29/20 Lecture Recording

Armstrong lecture on GovWorks assessment with supporting explanations.

The skills you can learn using comparables and some "expert" judgment will help you create pro forma financials for your startup or help you evaluate startup financial performance projections as an investor.

Practice - Reinforce what you've learned

Assessment - Graded Activity

Use the google spreadsheet below as a reference to answer the questions on the google form. 

If you are doing this assignment out of class, use this video excerpt with commentary and the google sheet below with instructions below to answer the question in the FORM above

Govworks Founders-Pocket-Guide Cap-Table with F&F - Student Copy


Adler, C. 2000. Too Much, Too Soon GovWorks had the big idea and an all-star board but still bungled it up. What's the lesson? Don't offend potential customers. CNN Money,, July 1, 2000, accessed August 31, 2020.

Layne, A. 2001. Close Encounters of the Dotcom. Fast Company,, April 30, 2001, accessed August 31, 2020.

Mayfield Fund listing  on, accessed August 31, 2020.

Steiner, C. 2010. The Sequel.,, October 7, 2010. accessed August 31, 2020., 2020. Govworks page. accessed August 31, 2020.

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After you have completed the Videos, readings, practice quiz, and assessment, please return to your course homepage for the next module