Friends and Family


A major learning category and module of New Venture Finance

Friends and Family (F&F) funding is one of the most common sources of capital for new ventures, especially in the very early stages of the venture. Your family members and friends finance your business through gifts, loans, or debt that converts into equity in later stages of the venture's financing path. Your family and friends are willing to do this because they believe in you long before less familiar investors will, often without the expectation that they'll see their money again. If you're smart, you can turn their early investments in you and your new venture into substantial wealth as your venture grows in value. You want to get this right.


Students who complete this module will:




Armstrong Lecture on Friends and Family Investing

“Friends and family funding is the most common form of startup financing but also the most tricky in many ways. Be careful to do it right because there's a reason why these people will back you when nobody else will.”

Armstrong overview of Friends and Family Investment Conversion on a Cap Table

List convertible debt on the cap table (it *is* a form of capitalization) and annotate any interest rates, discounts, and caps. The discounts and interest accruals give your F&F investors a nice bump in purchasing power on conversion!

SEC Rules of Startup Funding

SEC Rules to Know when raising F&F funding

Un-narrated for now... you and your F&Fs will do a 504 filing. "Use 'The Form,' Luke."

Friends and Family with Tony Hawke, Jared Leto, and bono

They were all investors in Blue Bottle Coffee's Series C round of financing. Blue Bottle's private equity financings were all done through "506" Form D filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. See "SEC Rules" above.


Supplemental Readings


To reinforce your learning

Assessment - Graded Activity

Instructor will announce this as an in-class activity or an out-of-class quiz for your semester.

Mark as Complete

After you have completed the Videos, readings, practice quiz, and assessment, please return to your course homepage for the next module