Good Reads

image above: yes, that's part of my expansive library

Always a page-in-progress with updates

What I’m Reading This Week

Craig E. Armstrong - an occasionally updated list of my reading activities and interests (google doc)

for what it's worth

5 New Books All Entrepreneurs Should Read in 2018 (, August, 2018)

This 1995 Memo From Bill Gates Predicts Smartphones, Web Videos, And Internet Ads

(Business Insider, 2011) and here is the actual memo.

Useful Books

Case, S. (2016). The third wave. An entrepreneur’s vision of the future. Simon & Schuster. Side note: Steve's first chief financial officer for AOL was Phillip Gross. Phil taught "high potential ventures" during my MBA program at the University of Maryland. This course was one of my defining moments in entrepreneurship education, still is. I know you want details, so ask away...

Graham, P. Hackers and Painters. Paul Graham is a prolific essayist, focusing mostly on technology. Essays have somehow become undervalued while blogs and other outlets for online writing have exploded. You wrote essays in fifth grade, high school, and college; you should be writing essays now.

Hoffman, R. The Alliance.

Horowitz, B. The Hard Thing about Hard Things

Livingston, J. Founders at Work.

Life advice

Scott Galloway - The Algebra of Happiness

"Assume you are not that person."

"Be a man, not a boy in a man's body."

"Take stock of your relationship with substances."

"Drive a Hyundai and take your kids to Africa."