New Venture Development

New Venture Development builds upon the content of Foundations of Entrepreneurship (technically known as MGT 386 in UA.EDU parlance). The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the fundamentals of starting and running your own business, with an emphasis on the identify, evaluating, and pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities; understanding basic financial and accounting issues associated with new ventures; and the development of people, markets, intellectual property, and useful products and services. The course will include elements of accounting, finance, organization structure and design, selection and training, management, business plans and personal finances. At the end of this course you should have the foundation needed to determine the viability and prospects of starting your own business or growing a new business you may already be a part of.

Useful links

Alabama Entrepreneurship Institute

Cool Tool: This tool from Trevor Blackwell calculates how much funding your startup needs. Assuming expenses are constant and revenues are growing, it shows you when you'll reach profitability (in fractions of years) and how much capital you'll need to burn through before you get there.