Angel Investors

Images source: Babson .edu


Learning Objectives

Upon completing this module you should be able to:



Poland, S.R. 2017. Raising Angel Capital, 1x1 Media, LLC. A "recommended" but not required book for this course ($6.99 on

Feld, B. 2005. Do 58% of VCs Think Angel Involvement Is Unattractive – Nope!, June 8, 2005, accessed August 15, 2020.

Ralston, G. 2016. A Guide to Seed Fundraising, Y Combinator, 1/7/2016, accessed July 1, 2020. Geoff Ralston discusses why and when to raise money, how much to raise, and potential sources of funds very early-stage.

Wilson, F. 2005. Angels., June 9, 2005, accessed August 15, 2020.

NO/LA Angel Network (NO/LAAN) Overview, 2016. Covers: basics of angel investing, the NO/LAAN framework, NO/LAAN deal process, angels and the early stage eco-system, becoming a member (New Orleans, y'all)


Supplemental Readings - Angel Investing by the Numbers



HALO Annual Report on Angel Investments - 2019

The 2019 Halo Report is based on an analysis of 2,492 transactions across 2,444 companies – all completed in 2019 

Angel Resource Report. 2020. Halo Report: Annual Report on Angel Investments., accessed August 15, 2020.

Angel Report - MIT Entrepreneurship Center 2000.pdf

Angel Report - MIT Entrepreneurship Center

From 2000 (the year). Still relevant in terms of explaining whos and whats. In 100 pages.


Raising Angel Capital.mp4

Warm introductions to potential investors can save you weeks. A well-placed contact can steer you to the right investors (industry focus, stage of fund, individual interest in your venture, etc.)

Raising Angel Capital

Armstrong lecture on raising angel capital (19:12)

Google slides without narration

Make sure your startup is angel-investment-ready before you start establishing relationships with them; validate your key assumptions, build a milestones time table, know your cash burn rate and financing needs; they are busy people, what kind of first impression do you want to make?

Understand that getting an angel investment is a multi-stage process and that some angels are better suited to partner with you than others (education, experience, individual versus group, mentoring capacity)

Start professionalizing the way you run your startup, milestones, cash burn rate, key hires, go-to-market strategy, validation processes.

Early-stage investors often receive more than 100 pitches per month, which means they need to say "no" to over 99%. Alicia Syrett, CEO of Pantegrion Capital, frequent on-air personality on MSNBC and CNBC, shares the most common blunders that get startups rejected. 

Talks at Google, 2017. 1:04;50. I recommend that you subscribe to Jason's YouTube channel.

Jason Calacanis on the Angel Mindset, Ideas, Teams, and Making the World a Better Place

Jason Calacanis is a technology entrepreneur, angel investor, and the host of the weekly podcast This Week in Startups. As a scout for Silicon Valley venture capital firm Sequoia Capital and later as an angel investor, Jason has invested in 150 early-stage startups, including four that have achieved billion-dollar valuations (so far). His book, "Angel: How to Invest in Technology Startups," is published by HarperBusiness. Calacanis and Google Research Operations Manager Heath Row discuss the skills needed to pick a hit investment, what to look for in founders and investment opportunities, why VC should be democratized, and the difference between Silicon Alley, the Digital Coast, and Silicon Valley. Get the book here: 

Upfront Ventures, 2019, 21:30. Jason! Jason! Jason!

What's a Syndicate?

Jason Calacanis (Angel investor, shares his perspective on the increase and success of angel syndicates - why they are occurring, how they're professionalizing, and best practices he's learned after 90 angel syndicates. 



You're An Angel - Investors Choice and Startup Valuation Activities

You're an Angel

"Make a Copy" or "Download As" this google doc to do a very "rough" comparison of startups in the retail spirits industry. You are acting as an angel investor considering which of the three companies seeking funds from you is the best investment for you as an angel. You'll want to make sure founders' pre-money estimates are reasonable (or not) and compare their progress to the point where Beatbox Beverages got a $1M investment from Mark Cuban on Shark Tank. By "rough" I mean you will downgrade or upgrade the pre-money estimates for each of the three startups based on how they compare to Beatbox when they appeared on Shark Tank. Simplified instructions up front: Read all the case information, complete the table on page 4 of the document, and thoroughly answer the two questions on page 5. Submit your completed document using the google form link provided on the document.


Angel Resource Report. 2020. Halo Report: Annual Report on Angel Investments., accessed August 15, 2020

Feld, B. 2005. Do 58% of VCs Think Angel Involvement Is Unattractive – Nope!, June 8, 2005, accessed August 15, 2020.

NO/LA Angel Network (NO/LAAN) Overview, 2016. Covers: basics of angel investing, the NO/LAAN framework, NO/LAAN deal process, angels and the early stage eco-system, becoming a member (New Orleans, y'all)

Poland, S.R. 2017. Raising Angel Capital, 1x1 Media, LLC. ($6.99 on

Ralston, G. 2016. A Guide to Seed Fundraising, (Geoff Ralston), Y Combinator, 1/7/2016.

Wilson, F. 2005. Angels., June 9, 2005, accessed August 15, 2020..

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