Connect the Dots Assessment


This page uses gamification to create an engaging game designed to help students understand the abstract components involved in opportunity recognition. Students who are participating in this activity will "select a card" from one of the four categories listed in the presentation below, then write responses in the accompanying google form directly below the presentation. Submitting a complete form with your best answers on time will satisfy your requirements for this assessment (if it's a graded component).

Here I build upon recognition models by Shane (2000) and Ardichvili and Cardozo (2003) to present a gamified version of Baron's (2006) "Connect the Dots" article and framework (below) from Academy of Management Perspectives.

Connect the Dots Cards - select from the GRID below

or click on THIS LINK to open the cards in a separate tab (the grid is TINY on a smartphone)

AND THEN follow the instructions in the form below the grid

Connect the Dots

Make sure you click on the Submit button at the bottom!

After you have completed the Videos, readings, practice quiz, and assessment, please return to your course homepage for the next module

USASBE Competitive Teaching Session 2B Participants!

Here are the slides I used for the presentation on January 6, 2021. THANK YOU for being part of the session!

Please use this link to a google form to share feedback or ask questions directly.

SBI Innovative Pedagogy Session 2B Participants!

Here are the slides I used for the presentation on February 25, 2021. THANK YOU for being part of the session!

Please use this link to a google form to share feedback or ask questions directly.