New Venture Finance F2024

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This site is finalized; most recent edits July 22, 2024 (prev. July 19, 2024)



Section 001: 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm TR, Bidgood Hall 225

Section 003: 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm TR, Bidgood Hall 219

Date range: August 21 - December 6, 2024

New Venture Finance (MGT 481) provides students with working knowledge of financing mechanisms such as friends and family, venture capital, angel investments, and debt instruments for creating and operating a new venture; valuation methods for determining pre- and post-money; creating capitalization tables to track equity ownership assignments and investment rounds.


MGT 300 and MGT 386, MGT 387 may be taken as co-requisite


see this Google doc

Strongly Suggested Texts

Three paperback (or ebooks) available at

The lowdown: You can probably get through this course without these books, but I purposely chose these books because of their quality, conciseness, and price. 


Professor Craig E. Armstrong, Ph.D. | Alston 155 | for "formal" course communications | for after course| for informal communications - quick answers and sudden announcements - I will invite you to the group by the first day of class or sooner by email. Everyone should be in the groupme for this course.

Add to your address books now



I have organized this course into modules that present topics in "bite-sized" portions. A module usually covers a well-defined topic over a short period with defined objectives and graded activities. You should refer to this section of the course web site a few times a week to keep up with updates and to prepare yourself in advance for upcoming activities and assignments.

Types of Graded Activities and Sunday Due Days

You will turn in a graded activity nearly every week of the semester beginning the week of Sept 5-8 (the week in which Labor Day occurs). I generally offer practice quizzes, which are not required, for each module. I provide practice quizzes because it's proven to to help reinforce what you've learned. After viewing the assigned readings and videos and attending lectures in class, you'll have a graded assessment activity. This could be in the form of a written analysis, a brief case write-up, or an additional graded quiz. All assignments are due by 11:59 pm, Sunday evenings. The points I've assigned to each module are intentionally set so that messing up on any one particular assessment won't crush your grade (or your soul). Ten assignments each each worth 10 points - usually as quizzes - all add to 100 total points for the course.

Schedule, Topics, and Graded Assignments

(tentative, I'll change dates, but think now in terms of week one, two, three...)

Since we're talking schedules, here's a link to the UA academic calendar page.

This section last updated: July 19, 2024

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

OPTIONAL READING:, Jan 24, 2024: Two Nations, a Horrible Accident, and the Urgent Need to Understand the Laws of Space;, Dec 11, 2023: Space junk is a huge problem. It’s also a business opportunity; How celestial ‘gas stations’ could unlock the space economy; Are space-based solar farms the future of clean energy?

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

We have 100 points on the books by the end of December 5.

Summary list of graded activities


Resources you can (should) use in addition to assigned readings and activities, but not required for this course. I want to help you on your entrepreneurial journey in this class, your other classes, and into your future.

The pmarca blog archives

Select posts by Marc Andreessen 2007-2009; peer into the thoughts of one of the most influential entrepreneurs over the past three decades on a variety of topics. 

Why read pmarca blog archives: 

US Small Business Association ( Financing Options for Small Businesses (45-minute course). 

This self-paced training exercise is an introduction to financing options for your business. Topics include; determining your financial needs, loans, grants, venture capital, angel investors, crowd funding and other financial options available to small businesses. 
