MGT 386

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A foundations course in entrepreneurship designed to provide a comprehensive overview of all things entrepreneurship, focusing on the main constructs of entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial process, functional areas, design thinking and lean startup, and intellectual property.

main topics

  • Entrepreneurs and Opportunities
  • The entrepreneurial process
  • Finance and Raising Money
  • Accounting and Legal
  • Marketing
  • Managing
  • Product Development
  • Intellectual Property
  • Life Cycles of New Ventures
  • Pitching
  • Crowdfunding
  • Design Thinking and User Experience
  • Lean Startup

The four constructs of entrepreneurship

Timmons' model of entrepreneurs, resources, opportunities, and uncertainty.

The entrepreneurial process

Entrepreneurship scholars have developed several useful models of the entrepreneurial process, perhaps most notably Carol Moore's (1986) model of innovation, triggering event, implementation and growth and . Each stage in the Moore model draws from different aspects of your social network, environment, and abilities to ideate, iterate, implement, and manage.

Functional Areas

Finance, marketing, working capital management, people management, product development. All a bit different when it's one or two of you doing everything.

Design Thinking and Lean Startup

No, it's not fancy talk.

See "Teaching Innovation Through Empathy: Design Thinking in the Undergraduate Business Classroom," CE Armstrong, Management Teaching Review 1 (3), 164-169

Intellectual Property

Your key to protecting your idea

schedule, Summer I 2018


  • Q = Quiz after class
  • IC = graded in-class activity

Week 1

Entrepreneurs and Opportunities

May 30

Course introduction; entrepreneurs and opportunities (slides)

Lego my ...

May 31

Entrepreneurs and opportunities continued; the four constructs of entrepreneurship; attributes of two opportunities for grade in class: SkyZone Indoor Trampoline Park and Real Escape Room; how entrepreneurs identify opportunities (IC1)

June 1

Entrepreneurs and opportunities; how entrepreneurs identify promising opportunities. "Connect the dots" exercise in class. Beatbox on Shark Tank. QUIZ 1 due by 10:00 am, Friday, June 2. (Q01)

June 2

Entrepreneurs and opportunities: the entrepreneurial process; Debbie Gordon; QUIZ 2 due by 10:00 am, Saturday, June 3. (Q02)

Week 2

Functional Activities of Entrepreneurship Slides

June 5

Product and service innovation (Q03)

June 6

Market and customer research (Q04)

June 7

People (Q05)

June 8

Accounting, finance, and legal (Q06)

June 9

Building and fulfilling the value proposition (Q07)

Week 3

Applications of Entrepreneurship: Frameworks and Methodologies

Start thinking about your pitches

June 12

How to pitch; pitching worksheets, practice pitches, (Q08)


June 13

(Q09, IC2)

Value propositions and business model logic

BeatBox Update


June 14

(Q10, IC3)

Lean startup principles Slides

Update on points total: We have 60 / 100 points on the books as of Q10 and IC3.

June 15


Design thinking and entrepreneurship - it's not fancy talk

  • Slides
  • Pitch support - share your ideas for discussion if you'd like feedback!

June 16

PITCH IN CLASS, FORM INTO VENTURE TEAMS (Your pitch is worth 5 points of your grade)

One minute; the dress code is you must dress; big pain, brilliant solution, differentiation, why you?, call to action. If you don't have a decent "why you?," just tell us you think it's a cool idea. Your call to action should be "join my team," unless you really want to pursue this idea, as in, "Join my team because I want to make this a reality."

You will get a pitch scoring sheet with everyone's name on it.

At the end of the pitches, you'll form into new venture teams

Minimum expectations for forming teams: know each other's names, emails, and cell numbers.


Content Map for MGT 386

Prototyping / simulating content for future Foundations courses

Week 4

Here is an overview of the tools and schedule for running a sprint in three days

June 19

Design Sprint


June 20

Design Sprint


June 21

Design Sprint


June 22: No lecture - You will conduct customer feedback on your own on Thursday, Friday, (weekend), and Monday.

June 23: No lecture

Week 5

June 26: No lecture

June 27: Final team presentations (IC7) - Here is your template for team presentations

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