$9 Cardboard Bike

Image source: Fortune.com

Where are the cardboard bikes?

Watch <-- this video, then open, make a copy, and edit this google doc

See also 

"$20 cardboard bike project run into obstacles (Fortune.com, 2013): "And while it may not look very comfortable to ride, it’s hard to beat the price of materials, which cost between $9-12 per bike, according to Elmish. It was this cheap cost of production that put Cardboard Technologies into the national spotlight, but also initiated the company’s most recent struggles."

Cardboard Technologies on Facebook


Memmott, M. (2012, October 15). For About $20, Cardboard Bicycle Could “Change The World,” Inventor Says. NPR. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2012/10/15/162949884/for-about-20-cardboard-bicycle-could-change-the-world-inventor-says.

Wagner, K. 2013, July 2. $20 cardboard bike project runs into obstacles | Fortune. Fortune.com. https://fortune.com/2013/07/02/20-cardboard-bike-project-runs-into-obstacles/.