Climate Change

Carbon Footprint Carbon Calculator (provided free to use)

University of Michigan Center for Sustainable Systems - Carbon Footprint Factsheet

Explore NASA Climate Change Website

Climate change is framed in some lay media as being an uncertain or unlikely occurrence, whereas the scientific community considers the scientific evidence supporting climate change to be unequivocal.  This website, maintained by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), offers visitors opportunities to explore causes and effects of climate change, as well as a selection of “vital signs” that provide insights into the extent and progression of climate change.  As you review the information on the site, think about how the underlying environmental health data have been translated to be accessible to the public.  How well do you think NASA did in translating that knowledge so that the public can be better informed about the ramifications of climate change? (University of Michigan on Coursera, Climate Change, Sustainability, and Global Public Health, 2023)

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