how to create a crowdfunding campaign


Read the text below and the slides below the text. Using, create a web page to host your crowdfunding campaign. Kickstarter will let you use all their tools for free, and you won't have to launch the campaign. Great for practice.

  1. Name the site after your product or service
  2. List the title of your campaign and a tagline below it
  3. Create and embed a crowdfunding video in the page.
  4. Provide a brief story about the motivation for this project in the "description."
  5. Post an overall project goal (the total amount you hope to raise through this campaign)
  6. Create and list different pledge-reward levels for campaign supporters to consider and back.
  7. Send the URL of the completed campaign site to


Create a crowdfunding campaign for your product, service, or event idea. The guidelines on this page will help you address important aspects of your project effectively.

The phenomenon and popularity of crowdfunding...

"The problem with making it look easy is that everyone thinks it's easy to do..." - Lorne Michaels

  1. The product, service, or event: It needs to be good. This should be obvious, but spend some time on Kickstarter and Indiegogo and you'll see this isn't universally followed advice.
  2. The pitch: Crowdfunding is different from other forms of selling because people are also supporting YOU. Make a compelling pitch about the problem and how your solution solves it. Let them know the back story of how you came to discover and create this value proposition.
  3. Using video effectively: You can shoot a high-quality video with your iPhone (landscape mode, please). Use a storyboard as scaffolding to get you through your video sequences.
  4. Rewards: They must be congruent with and focused on your main offering. Understand that most backers will buy your main offering, so think about the price you'll sell your main offering and how many might buy it as an indicator of your funding goal.
  5. Funding goal: How much money do you really need? What kind of exposure and interest do you think you can generate? Can you enhance your offering in terms of more valuable rewards for higher pledges? Are you crowdfunding to validate your product or service (a crowdfunding campaign can simply be an experiment that helps you achieve a milestone)?
  6. Promotion through social media: You need to make people aware of your value proposition and campaign. The number of people who purchase your product initially will be much lower than those who become aware of it, and you will grow your base by keeping, upselling, and getting referrals that enhance awareness and new customers. Referrals have a multiplying effect on the number of people who become aware of your product (

View these slides --> Six steps to your crowdfunding project to help you assemble your crowdfunding campaign.

"NOW" on Kickstarter