
How to translate curious, curiosity

Mandos don't have a separate word for "curiosity." It's an expected trait of a Mando. It's covered by shereshoy, kar'taylir, baj'hibir, and mandokarla. To be curious is to have a desire to learn more about something, to investigate the hows and whys of the world. One of the key features of being a Mando is the constant desire to improve. If one is not curious, one lacks that desire for improvement and thus one is arasuum'la, stagnate and unchanging, a terrible state for a Mando. If a Mando is curious, they have shereshoy.

If you want to express this concept, then use copaanir, to want. Ni copaani kar'taylir. I want to know. Ni copaani suvarir. I want to understand. Ni copaani baj'hibir. I want to learn.