
How to translate how

Choose the way of translating this concept based on the meaning you're trying to get across. Note that tion does not mean "what," but "what" is added to make the question make sense in English.

Used as conjunction

  • de meg: by which, by what

Used as a question

  • Tion'bor? What task?
    (Note that this is a very loose translation.)

  • Tion'de? By which means (is it accomplished)?
    (Note that this is a very loose translation.)

  • Tion'nar? What action?
    (Note that some people render this Tion'nari?, following the original dictionary entry for the word for action.)

  • Tion'ti? What with?

  • Tion'yust? Which way?
    (Used when asking for directions to a location.)

  • Meg vaabir? What to do?