
How to translate to earn, to deserve

Choose the way of translating this concept based on the meaning you're trying to get across.

  • "to earn, to deserve, to be worthy of"

vorer ijaat par: to accept honor for.

astnar duumi: something/someone permits

Rework the sentence using duumir (to permit), liser (can, to be able to), or ganar balac par (have the opportunity for).

Example of a longer way to express the concept: Gar waadasla bal ni copaani dinuir waadas par gar gaa’tayl. (You are valuable and I want to give money (to you) for your help.)

  • "to earn, gain as a return for effort"

hiibir: to take.

vorer: to accept.

hiibir waadas: to take money.

vorer waadas: to accept money.

hiibir waadas par bora: to take money for a job.

vorer waadas par bora: to accept money for a job.

hiibir ijaat: to take honor.

vorer ijaat: to accept honor.

borarir: to work.

borarir par waadas: to work for money.

borari par riye: to work for a favor.

parjir: to win.

shereshir: to seize.