After, Then

How to translate after, then

Find a different way to express the same sentiment. Some popular options:

  • jorbic: thus, therefore.

  • jorcu ... jii: because ... now
    Jii is optional.)

  • meh ... projor: if ... then ...
    Projor is optional.)

  • nu vaar'shya: no earlier (than).

  • parbic: thus, for this reason.

  • projor: next, then.

  • sha ca'nara: at the time, when.
    (Not used as the question.)

  • sha sol'yc balac: at the first opportunity.

  • sha vaarne balac: at the earliest opportunity.

  • sol'yc ... t'adyc: first ... second (and so on)

  • sol'yc ... jii: first ... now.