
How to translate to deny

Choose the way of translating this concept based on the meaning you're trying to get across.

gaigotalur jehaat: to designate (as) untruth.

Ibac nu serim: that is not correct.
jor'naycir: to deny, to contradict.
(Fanon from the MandoCreator dictionary.)

nu jor'lekir: to not confirm.
jor'naycir: to deny, to contradict.
(Fanon from the MandoCreator dictionary.)

rejorhaa’ir nayc: to tell no.

nu dinuir: to not give.

nu duumir: to not allow.

n’enteyor dinuir: must not give.

nu copaanir dinuir: to not want to give.

taylir: to preserve.

nu hiibir: to not take.

nu vorer: to not accept.

nu duumir ast: to not allow one’s self.

n’urmankalar: to not believe.