
Food words

From the base dictionary and canon sources. Hear many of these words spoken in this video from Mando'a Lessons:

Words to describe foods

Words and phrases about preparing and serving food

Food utensils

Other words related to eating and drinking

Useful phrases

For some of these options, multiple possible translations are given. If providing a translation in fiction or a post, you only need to include one.

Ordering a hot beverage

Per a post on, shig (called chig in the blog posts) is "is just any hot drink - an infusion. They apply the word to all kinds of similar drinks." (Karen Traviss, Oct 08, 2005 10:52 AM)

Based on this, here is fan speculation for what someone might get when ordering a hot beverage, using only the words included in the original dictionary.

Example: racin ne'tra shig (weak coffee); shig ti behot (behot tea); cin shig ti uj'ayl (sweet and spicy warm milk)