Random Sentences

Each time you reload this page, six random sentences about some often strange activities appear below; there are hundreds of possibilities. Improve your skill with Mando'a by translating each one. The sentences generated are grammatically correct, except that, for ease of programming, al (but) was used in all instances instead of only in front of words beginning with a vowel. 

The first set of sentences are less complicated than the second set of sentences.

Words are selected from the MandoCreator dictionary. If you use another dictionary and a word that appears here is not in it, make your best guess or skip that sentence. Feel free to use these sentences as story prompts, for either a long story in an Earth language or a microstory or flash fiction entirely in Mando'a.

If you would like to check your work, considering posting the sentences and your translation attempts in the Mando'a discussion channel of one of these Discord servers and ask for advice. You might also find help on Tumblr if you include the #mando'a tag with your post.