
How to translate to complete, to end, to finish

Choose the way of translating this concept based on the meaning you're trying to get across. See also Done and Stop.

  • Add dar (no longer) to a verb to make it an action that was once done but now is not. For example:

    • dar dajunar: to no longer plan.

    • dar vaabir: to no longer do.

    • dar narir: to no longer act.

    • dar ara'novor: to no longer obstruct.

    • dar borarir: to no longer work, to no longer being doing a job.

  • Ibic kyr. This is an/the end.

  • Ibic ani. This is complete.

  • Ke'kyr. End now.
    (A loose translation of this command.)

  • Kyr ge'kaan is used to indicate the end of a military training exercise; by civilians, it might be used to indicate the end point of a large project. It's a noun; based on my analysis of published examples of commands, ke kyr ge'kaan would be a way to give a command/directive to stop the exercise or stop working on the project.

  • Gev is a casual command that means (to add explanation to the given definition): "this task is done; clean up the area and prepare to move to a new task."

  • Trattok'or means "to fail, to fall, to collapse."

  • Ramaanar means "to die" (in the general sense). In addition to describing the death of a living thing, it can be applied to any project, action, etc. that ends before full completion.