
How to translate before

Choose the way of translating this concept based on the meaning you're trying to get across..

  • "in advance" (temporal)

sol'yc: first/firstly.

vaar'shya: earlier.

vaar: early.

  • "in advance" (physical or metaphysical)

be'chaaj: away, afar.

sol'yc: first/firstly.

  • "at an earlier time"

sha vaar'shya ca'nara: at an earlier time.

ru'jii: recent, recently.

  • "earlier than"

vaar'shya: earlier than

  • "earlier than the time that"

sha vaar'shya ca'nara: at earlier time.

sol'yc ... t'adyc ... : firstly ... secondly ...

  • "until the time that"

akay: until.

akay ca'nara meg: until the time that (this phrase is only used if there would be too much ambiguity in using just akay).

  • "in front of, in the presence of"

shatroan be: in front of.

  • "under the consideration of"

mirdir par [din'kartay]: to think for [report]

  • "at the disposal of"

dinuir: to give.

  • *in a higher position than"

jaon'shya: more important than.

  • "sooner/quicker than"

iviin'shya: faster than.

  • "so that ... do not"

enteyor ... ra ... : must ... or ...

meh nu ... projor ... : if not ... then ...

  • "or else ... not"

sol'yc enteyor ... ra nu ... : first must ... or not ...

  • "or else"

ra meh nayc projor: or if not, then

ke [verb] ra ven [verb]: do [verb] or [verb] will happen
Translation is appropximate.

  • "instead"

Translate for meaning. Examples: Ibic, n'ibac. (This, not that.) Mhi enteyo vaabir ibic, ra dush davaabe bana. (We must do this, or bad results happen.)