Double negative reasoning

I decided to go in the direction that I did after considering...

I tried to image what the simplest way was that I could express the grammar rules for double negatives that reflect both the straightforward nature of the culture and the rule that the original author put into place (that a double negative can be used for emphasis), while keeping in mind that the original author was not known for thinking through consequences of grammar rules.

I attempted to create rules that required the least amount of explanation and the least amount of memorization of which words are negative and which aren't and of what different combinations of words mean. I wanted rules that produce meanings that are logically compatible with other Mando'a grammar rules. I'm sure I need to get even more specific than what I've done so far to make the rules even clearer. 

While new words can be derived from non-English languages, grammar rules should not be, because individual rules in other languages are tied to other rules in those languages. This or that sentence structure can exist because these and those other rules or words or the like exist in that  language.