Food discussion
This page collects most of what little information we have Mandalorian cooking from the source material.
From Star Wars Insider #86:
Soldiers and nomads both need their food to be portable, nourishing and preferably to require little cooking. Mandalorians are no exception. They have a few distinctive dishes that are, at best, an acquired taste but that fit the need for food that’s more like field rations.
Gihaal is a dried fishmeal mixture like pemmican, a nutritious blend of fat and protein that lasts for years without refrigeration, but that has a pungent, clinging aroma many find offensive.
Aruetiise find some other Mandalorian foodstuffs more acceptable. Uj’alayi (uj cake) is a dense, flat and extremely sweet cake made from ground and crushed nuts, dried fruit, spices and scented uj’jayl syrup. Tihaar is a strong, colourless spirit made out of any fruit that’s available, like an eau-de-vie. While Narcolethe is often seen as the quintessential Mandalorian alcoholic drink, many Mando’ade prefer net’ra gal (black ale) which is a sweet beer very much like stout or porter. Shig is any infusion of herbs and spices drunk hot, and is often made from a quick-growing citrus-flavoured herb called behot.
From Republic Commando: True Colors:
The meal turned out to be an assortment of dumplings, grains, and noodles smothered in various spicy sauces, preserved meats, and a pot of small red fruits swimming in what looked like syrup—the only thing she [Etain] didn’t try. Bralor seemed to have raided the contents of her store cupboard to feed her guests.
The dictionary created by Karen Traviss mentions "one of the four essentials of Mandalorian cooking": draluram, which is given the meaing of "vivid - used only of food, to indicate strong, distinct flavour, lit. *bright mouth*." Two types of draluram flavor listed in the dictionary are hetikleyc (having a spicy flavor that burns the nose) and heturam (having a spicy flavor that burns the mouth).
This page has more words and phrases related to food from the base Mando'a dictionary:
This page has links to several Mando-themed recipes:
Fan theories about Mandalorian cooking: (caution: strong language)
Food-related Wookiepedia articles