
Ways to talk about showing mercy or grace or forgiveness

See also: Apologizing.

Begging for mercy

Mandalorians don't normally beg for mercy, and they generally only show mercy to someone who fights back as long as neither the Mandalorian's mission nor their life is in jeopardy if they choose not to kill the other person. A prone and unarmed Mandalorian would be calculating how to do as much damage to the attacker as possible, given the circumstances, not spend time begging for mercy. Only underhanded Mandos beg for their life with the intent to double-cross the aggressor — though they might feign worse injuries to trick someone into thinking they were more helpless than they appear.

However, a victim who knows Mando'a but very little about the culture, and thus is probably not Mandalorian might say, "Ni gedeti gar: Ke'nu kyr'amu ni gedet'ye." (I beg you: don't kill me please.) If the attacker was feeling generous, they would either walk away or say, "Ni duumi gar oyacyir" (I permit you to live) and then walk away.