Shrub Stat

The Shrub stat is the only MMOItem stat added by GooP Shrubs.

It binds a Type of Shrub to an item. This item will still behave as a MMOItem, under class and level restrictions. These are the two supported types:

  • Consumables

  • Miscellaneous

The only significant difference I find between the two is when using a Shrub Type that comes as Seeds.

For the first time use, you will have to configure the item lore to display shrub values like this

You can choose which stats to hide and which to show. This is what you get from the sample YML format above. Notice that there are a few values enabled by default: Fertilizer Efficiency and Piston Harvest. The default capacity is one.

Configue Lore to display Shrub Values (Language Translations and that Stuff)

Add these to plugins/MMOItems/language/stats.yml:

#Shrubsgoop-shrub-type: '&3&l⚘ &7Generates &e$PRODUCE$'goop-shrub-gen-time: '&3&o⚘ &7Produces after &f#&7.'goop-shrub-gen-chance: '&3&o⚘ &7Chance every second: &f#%'goop-shrub-gen-max: '&c&l&o⚘ &7Can produce up to &f#&7.'goop-shrub-gen-cap: '&c&o⚘ &7Can hold up to &f#&7.'goop-shrub-gen-sim: '&d&o⚘ &7Batches of &f#&7.'goop-shrub-command: '&2⚘ &7On Shake: &f/#'goop-shrub-tool: '&5&o⚘ &7Harvested With: &f#'goop-shrub-pistons: '&c&l⚘ &cCan be shook'goop-shrub-fertilizer: '&f&o⚘ &7Bone Meal Efficiency: &f#%'goop-shrub-tree: '&a&o⚘ &7Folliage Fruitrate: &f#%'goop-shrub-drops: '&d&o⚘ &6Drops when Ripe'goop-shrub-seeds: '&e&o⚘ &7Upgrades: &f#'goop-shrub-vault-cost: '&x&4&4&f&f&4&4&o$ &7Cost per serving: &f#$'goop-shrub-vault-revenue: '&x&9&9&f&f&4&4&o$ &7Owner gets &f#% &7of sales.'goop-shrub-cond-weather: '&b&o⚘ &7Bloom Weather: &3#r[#&7, ]&6#t[#&7, ]&e#s[#]'goop-shrub-cond-daytime: '&e&o⚘ &7Bloom Time: &e#d[#&7, ]&9#n[#&7, ]&d#sr[#&7, ]&c#ss[#]'goop-shrub-cond-altitude: '&6&o⚘ &7Grows in the &8#c[#&7, ]&x&a&a&3&3&0&0#u[#&7, ]&a#su[#&7, ]&b#sk[#&7, ]&3#sp[#]'goop-shrub-cond-dimension: '&x&f&f&0&0&0&0&o⚘ &7Must be kept in &5#e[The #&7, ]&x&f&f&0&0&0&0#n[The #&7, ]&a#o[The #]'goop-shrub-cond-adventure: '&x&a&a&f&f&0&0&o⚘ &7Produces in the &a#f[#&7, ]&3#m[#&7, ]&x&a&a&f&f&0&0#o[#]'goop-shrub-cond-capacity: '&7&o⚘ &7Must have less than &f#c[#] &7to produce.'

And these to plugins/MMOItems/language/lore-format.yml:

- '#goop-shrub-type#'- '#goop-shrub-gen-time#'- '#goop-shrub-gen-chance#'- '#goop-shrub-gen-max#'- '#goop-shrub-gen-cap#'- '#goop-shrub-gen-sim#'- '#goop-shrub-command#'- '#goop-shrub-tool#'- '#goop-shrub-fertilizer#'- '#goop-shrub-tree#'- '#goop-shrub-seeds#'- '#goop-shrub-cond-weather#'- '#goop-shrub-cond-daytime#'- '#goop-shrub-cond-altitude#'- '#goop-shrub-cond-dimension#'- '#goop-shrub-cond-adventure#'#- '#goop-shrub-cond-capacity#'- '#goop-shrub-drops#'- '#goop-shrub-pistons#'- '#goop-shrub-vault-cost#'- '#goop-shrub-vault-revenue#'

Edit how they display, and comment the ones you dont want (like generation chance, ew)!

You will find the Shrub Stat in both CONSUMABLE and MISCELLANEOUS MMOItem Types

In here you have to specify the name of your shrub

Once your shrub has the stat within, all that is left is to put it down on the world and wait

This particular one will take two minutes to generate its first mango :)

Though the Shrub Stat says that it must be applied onto a Placeable Block, it can be applied onto any item.

If it can't be placed, it will only work as a Seed Packet though.