Command On Shake

Run commands from the console whenever a Shrub is shook.

'Shaking' shrubs is what I call when a player harvests a shrub. Could be by right-clicking, using a piston, breaking it, or physics events like breaking the block underneath or water destroying it.

  • Commands that have %player% placeholder wont even run if there is no player involved in the shaking of the shrub (like pistons).

YML Format:


- 'goop tell %player% &aYou collect %shrub_held_count% %shrub_item_name%&a and get &620 farming experience&a!'

- 'mmocore admin exp give %player% farming 20'

Command On Shake (none)

A list of commands to run when a shrub is harvested for any reason. Commands with the %player% placeholder wont run if a player wasn't involved.


A shrub runs the command mmocore admin exp give %player% farming 10 when harvested.

  1. A player harvests it

  2. The player receives 10 farming experience

More Technical

Apart from parsing PAPI placeholders, the following can be used only in commands called from a shrub OnShake:

Raw Block Position (Integers):

# %shrub_position_x%

# %shrub_position_y% Shrub Position (Integer)

# %shrub_position_z%

Center of Shrub (The ones above +0.5 on all axes):

# %shrub_center_x%

# %shrub_center_y% Center of Shrub (Double)

# %shrub_center_z%

Shrub Generation Constants:

# %shrub_max_resources% How many units can the shrub produce in its lifetime.

# %shrub_held_count% How many units is the shrub holding right now*

# %shrub_total_count% How many units have been produced by this shrub in its lifetime.

# %shrub_capacity% How many units can this shrub store at once.

* (they will all get harvested instantly after tho, because this command runs when harvesting)

Shrub Produce Stuff:

# %shrub_item_name% Display name of the produce (with color codes and everything).

# %shrub_internal_item_type% Produced Internal MMOItem Type.

# %shrub_internal_item_id% Produced Internal MMOItem ID.

Shrub Owner:

# %shrub_owner% Name of player who originally placed shrub

# %shrub_owner_uuid% UUID of player who originally placed shrub

Vault Support:

# %shrub_vault_cost% How much balance units it costs to harvest

# %shrub_vault_revenue% How much balance units the owner gained by someone harvesting

# %shrub_vault_revenue_percent% Percent of the gains of the cost

Note: Commands that contain the %player% placeholder wont even run if the shrub is harvested via non-player sources; Like being shook by a piston, or by water flow, etc...