Damage Taken Link

Know how much damage each player deals to an entity.

/goop scoreboard damageTakenLink <entity uuid> <objective> [players only] [keep]

When an entity deals to the linked entity, its score will increase by ten times that amount.

This mob has a damage-displaying skill when hit, From there you can confrim that my score is the total damage dealt times ten.

Args Breakdown (What everything does)

<Entity UUID>

  • The relevant entity you want to know how much damage everyone is dealing to them.

  • Supports a few vanilla selectors, or could be a player's name.


  • The name of the scoreboard objective that will store the results.

  • It doesn't need to already exist. If it already exists, it will be destroyed and a new one of the same name created.

    • Unless [keep] is set to true.

  • Every time a player hits the entity, their score will increase by ten times the damage they just dealt.

    • Allows to see the first decimal point of the damage.

  • The link expires only when the server is restarted. The entity may die or despawn before that though.

[Players Only]

  • Should non-player sources' scores also increase? Like when zombies fight each other.


  • The objective is reset when the command runs. Setting this to true skips this, keeping everyone's old scores.


  • You must call this command only once per entity. Subsequent times will be ignored.

    • Probably right when they spawn, so they start counting damage that early.

  • Note that the score increase is ten times the damage dealt.

    • This is to read the first decimal point

  • You can link multiple entities to the same objective (for example, the boss and all the minions) by setting [keep] to true.

    • You probably want to make the boss himself have [keep] as false, so the bossfight resets when it spawns.

    • The rest of the minions would have [keep] set to true, so that the damage dealt to them counts but does not reset the objective.

  • Set [Players only] to true to ignore damage dealt by stray arrows from skeletons or such.

    • Specially if you are giving rewards to the top 3 (try GooP Top) and they are supposed to be players.

Simple Examples:

command{c="goop scoreboard damageTakenLink <caster.uuid> dDealt true"} @Self ~onSpawn

MythicMobs Mechanic that will take over the dDealt scoreboard. Whenever a player attacks this monster, the damage the player dealt will be added to the player's score. Keeping track of how much damage each player dealt. Will delete (reset) the scoreboard everytime it spawns, so that players who attacked last one dont get starting score bonus for this fight.

command{c="goop scoreboard damageTakenLink <caster.uuid> dDealt true true"} @Self ~onSpawn

MythicMobs Mechanic that will take over the dDealt scoreboard. Whenever a player attacks this monster, the damage the player dealt will be added to the player's score. Keeping track of how much damage each player dealt. Will not delete the scoreboard every time it spawns, so that it stores how much total damage each player has dealt to these dungeon's monsters.

Comment from the Dev:

Every bossfight that lats a good 20 minutes and requires teamwork requires healers. If the boss cannot heal, its always soloable with enough patience. The problem is when the boss drops the loot, and people killing the healers have to run across the arena if they want a reward.

Or why not give every player in the bossfight a reward? Well what if someone just AFKs through the whole thing?

Well then you give rewards to players who dealt damage, and if you're at it, why not a top 3 reward?

The mythicmob abilities that were replaced by this simple command were cumbersome, long, and laggy. Its one of the most satisfying things I've made with GooP - reducing those things to a simple command.