On Attack Aura

Duplicate of MythicMob's On Attack Aura, except this one sets the enemy being attacked as the Trigger of the skill.


Furthermore, you can choose if it tracks arrows and fireworks as well.

MythicMechanic: On Attack G


  • The difference between MythicMobs' OnAttack and GooP's OnAttackG is the traceSource parameter:

    • In the normal OnAttack, arrows and fireworks are not detected by the aura

    • Activating traceSource allows the OnAttackG to activate when the entity deals damage by firing projectiles.

  • If the entity under the effect of the aura uses any projectile, they will still execute the aura skill when they hit something.

    • OnShoot would work when they fire, not when they hit.

  • This is generally how it should output the targets:

    • Caster: Caster of the OnAttackG

    • Target: Receiver of the OnAttackG

    • Trigger: Enemy victim of the damage caused by the receiver.

Simple Examples:

This skill gives some particles and explosive effects to all attacks made while it is active:



# Explosions on hit

- Aura{auraName=OverchargeT;onTick=Overcharge_T;interval=1;duration=300}

- onAttackG{auraName=OverchargeH;oH=Overcharge_H;duration=300;ce=true}



- effect:particles{p=angry_villager;amount=1;speed=0;hS=0.01;vS=0.01} @Origin 0.2

- effect:particles{p=reddust;color=#ffffff;amount=1;speed=0;hS=0.05;vS=0.05} @Origin 0.3



# Damage

- damage{a=20} @EntitiesNearOrigin{r=4.0}

# Fantastic Sounds

- sound{s=entity.generic.splash;volume=1;p=1.7}

# Fascinating Particles

- effect:particles{p=end_rod;amount=2;speed=0.6;hS=0.01;vS=0.01}

- effect:particles{p=end_rod;amount=1;speed=0;hS=0.2;vS=0.2}

- effect:particles{p=reddust;color=#ffffff;amount=1;speed=0;hS=0.65;vS=0.65}