Piston Shaking

Allow technical players to make automatic redstone farms.

Or more like prevent them from doing so, because this is enabled by default. Turning it off will still allow shrub blocks to be pushed with pistons, they will just not drop their fruit.

YML Format:

Piston_Farmable: [true/false]

Piston Harvest (true)

When pushed with pistons, will the shrubs drop their held fruit?


A shrub has three fruits inside it.

  1. It is pushed with a piston

  2. It drops three fruits

More Technical

Shrub blocks will not randomly choose a face to drop their fruit from. If they are non-solid blcoks, they will drop the items inside them, but if they are solid blocks, they will check their surroundings in the following order and drop the fruit where they first find an air block:

  1. Directly Below

  2. Directly Above

  3. Directly Northward

  4. Directly Southward

  5. Directly Westward

  6. Directly Eastward

If the shrub is completely enclosed in non-air blocks, it will drop the item at its very center and its up to minecraft's physics engine to spit it out somewhere.