List Placeholders

Lists of strings that give you a different entry every time you read them.

It can be in order, or at random based on weights.

How to define a list placeholder:



- Text [weight]

- Text [weight]

- Text [weight]


Caution when writing numeric stuff!

If the list has at least one space, and it ends in a value that parses as an integer value, that will be considered the weight.

Simple Examples:

Rainbow: - §c - §6 - §e - §a - §b - §9 - §5
LootWithChances: - diamond 3 # 3/45 chance of diamond - gold_ingot 11 # 11/45 chance of gold - iron_ingot 30 # 30/45 chance of iron - netherite_ingot 1 # 1/45 chance of netherite NPC_Dialogue:
# Some normal dialogue. - Hey, hows it going? - Good Morning - Eh, you should come by next Thursday, there'll be a feast!
# Will actually think the 6 is the weight and crop it out. When using random, this will have a 6/9 chance of being selected. - All right then, see you at 6