
Checks that someone's score is within a range

/goop scoreboard range <player> <objective> <range>

You may use a UUID to target something thats not a player, too

Args Breakdown (What everything does)



  • Score you want to read


  • The range of score that will cause this command to succeed.

  • Thus you must use Chained Commands for this to do anything.


  • This command does nothing by itself, you must use Chained Commands syntax to make it do anything.

  • It is a shorthand for

/goop compare PLAYER obj 1 %player_score_OBJECTIVE% GC_=> 10 oS: goop compare @s obj 1 %player_score_OBJECTIVE% GC_<= 16

allowing you to just write /goop scoreboard range PLAYER OBJECTIVE 10..16

Simple Examples:

/goop scoreboard range cocopad myObjective 10.. oS: goop tell cocopad &a&lYou Won!

If cocopad's score myObjective is greater or equal to 10, it will tell them 'You Won!'

/goop compare atuosto damage_dealt ..50000 oS: goop tell atuosto &cYou aren't strong enough.

If atuosto has dealt less than 50k damage, it will tell them that they are not strong enough.