As Origin

Casts a skill, but changes the origin to the location of the targeter


If multiple locations are specified, the skill runs once for each location (with that location as its origin).

If the targeter is an entity targeter, the locations of all selected entities is used instead.

MythicMechanic: AsOrigin


  • This skill puts the Origin under your control, allowing you to set it at a convenient time and then use @Origin later on.

    • Also improves usage of @EntitiesNearOrigin

    • Also try projectiles with fromorigin=true

Simple Examples:

You can find this skill as the On Hit ability of a MMOItem Bow:



- GooPAsOrigin{s=ExplosiveShotBoom}



- sound{s=entity.generic.explode;p=0.5;v=1.0}

- effect:particles{particle=largeexplode;amount=1;hS=0.03;vS=0.03;speed=1;y=1}

- effect:particles{particle=explode;amount=3;hS=0.03;vS=0.03;speed=0.1;y=1}

- effect:particles{particle=flame;amount=10;hS=0.3;vS=0.3;speed=1;y=1}

- effect:particles{particle=lava;amount=5;hS=0.3;vS=0.3;speed=1;y=1}

- damage{amount=30} @EntitiesNearOrigin{radius=3.5}

The skill sets the origin of the skill to where the enemy was hit, then uses the @EntitiesNearOrigin targeter to deal splash damage.