Font Codes

Mimic discord chat emojis by replacing unicode characters in your texture pack

And well, players will be able to chat with these in the same fashion, :thinking: for example.

Compatible with plugin DiscordSRV, so that it actually sends as the original :thinking: to the server chat and discord parses it :o

Goop-Side Configuration

All you have to do is go to plugins/Gunging_Ootilities_Plugin/font-codes.yml and link a texture index to a code:


- 1 thinking

- 2 snooze

- 3 eyes1

Texturepack-Side Configuration

Navigate to your folder in assets/minecraft/textures/font and edit the correct square of either of these files:


Blue: +100, Yellow: +200


Orange: +100, Purple: +200

Reload and you're done

Both F3+T to reload texture packs, and /goop reload to reload the chat-code-texture links

Bot of Mangoes being a DiscordSRV bot linked to the global chat


  • You must name them like discord server emojis (case sensitive) for them to show correctly in the chat.

    • However, when writing in the minecraft chat, they are case insensitive.

Comment from the Dev:

I may hire someone to convert every of the 1000+ default discord emojis into minecraft texture pack format and make them all supported by default. Wouldn't that be cool? Bruh I just dont have time anymore.....